Last Saturday saw the first annual South London birders
Christmas bash, in the form of a jaunt down to the Isle of Sheppey. It was an excellent day out and a chance to put some names to faces finally...
Meeting just south of Leysdown around 10ish, we parked up
next to the beach where a small flock of Sanderling
were skittering back and forth on the rising tide. In amongst them were a good
few Turnstones, Oycs and a single Dunlin, while Redshanks and Curlews shrieked nearby. Offshore, large numbers of birds alternately bobbed and shifted on the
water - Teal, Mallard, Wigeon and Brent Goose making up the bulk along with a
distant flock of Common Scoters and a few grebes and Pintails in the mix. In
the adjacent fields, the crop had recently been cut leaving vast tracts of
muddy pools and stubble. Four Marsh
Harriers patrolled in the distance, flushing bucket loads of Woodpigeons
and what looked like Snipe. From the scruffy clumps of hedgerow we passed, Reed
Buntings called and Linnets squeaked by over head. Save the fact that I fell on
my arse twice, I love the walk along this stretch of the coast.
Sanderlings on the shore...somewhere |
Miggers (L-R): Ernie, Steve, Martin, Dave (socks) |
"That says 'naturist' guys, not 'naturalist'..." |
Down at Shellness a much larger flock of Dunlin spooked at our presence and
bolted off round the other side of the Hamlet, twisting like sea starlings. With the tide now high, endless
flocks of Oystercatchers followed, along with more Turnstones and several
hundred Grey Plover. With the
weather rolling in a bit the saltings were pretty quiet; several Skylarks
chirruped and drifted by, with Meadow Pipits pinging up here and there like
little streaky flares. A contentious pipit held up proceedings a bit as it
scuttled about on some weedy shingle nearby and I tried in vain to convince the
others it wasn’t a meadow. It just looked a bit too ‘sturdy’ I felt, with
broader streaking...they weren’t having it though. It probably was a meadow but
with a trip to Berkshire in mind, I no doubt had pipits in the brain. ‘Mock
Pipit’ indeed.
After a bit of lunch by the old pillbox, which served as a
useful windbreak, we skirted round the marsh before heading back as showers
licked our feet. The next stop was Capel Fleet to watch the harriers coming in
and try for a Short-eared Owl. We didn’t get the latter but the harriers were
magnificent as ever. A slow procession over an hour and a half saw around 16-18
birds by my reckoning. Best of all was a ringtail Hen Harrier which cruised by, jinking low over the fields in the
late-afternoon light. Real class, you don't get them in Dulwich. To top it off we stopped in at the Ferry for
a nice pint and warm up before home. All in all a really enjoyable day out,
here’s to next one. Happy Christmas you lot!
Ernie goes commando |
Oystercatchers on the High Tide roost, Shellness, Sheppey, 15/12/12 |
Full list:
Sanderling, Dunlin, Turnstone, Oystercatcher, Brent Goose (Dark-bellied), Curlew, Redshank, Teal, Mallard, Wigeon, Great-crested Grebe, Common Scoter (offshore), Pintail, Grey Plover, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Common Gull, Black-headed Gull, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Woodpigeon, Reed Bunting, House Sparrow, Mistle Thrush, Goldfinch, Blue Tit, Shelduck, Marsh Harrier, Carrion Crow, Rook, Lapwing, Skylark, Redwing, Snipe, Mute Swan, Fieldfare, Chaffinch, Grey Heron, Kestrel, Hen Harrier, Red-legged Partridge, Little Egret, Starling, Blackbird.
This blog is done by a friendly bunch of birders from South London who get out and about whenever they can. We really love our parks and green spaces and all those weeds coming through the cracks. We always love to hear about new sightings...or old ones...or wildly speculative ones, so feel free to drop us a line below. Or get in touch at if you want to gossip, bitch or help us find a sodding Firecrest...Thanks!