Monday, 21 January 2013

F is for...

Firecrest (Regus ignicapillus) at SHW, just like this one...courtesy T.Voekler/WikiCommons

It's been some time coming but last Thursday (17th) a visiting birder to Sydenham Hill Wood spotted a superb FIRECREST up in the vicinity of the Crescent Wood Road entrance. This is an elusive bird in the area, recorded sporadically most winters, but not so far in 2012/13 so we were all chuffed at the news. Not only that, just to rub it in, TWO birds were reported. By a quirk of fate, I was working at home on Thursday afternoon, so when Dan texted me all thoughts of a productive afternoon largely went out the window, down the road and over to the wood. Arriving at the top entrance, I checked the big Yew where it was reported but there was nothing. A bit further along the path, I found Dan loitering by a holly bush, doing a passable firecrest impression...but another pair of eyes and 5 minutes later we caught up with a small flock of goldcrests nearby where, amongst the busy flutterings, was a single Firecrest. It was always on the move, favouring the dense ivy-clad trees by the path but it gave a couple of great views on and off for half an hour. Lovely. Happily a few others have spotted it over the last few days too with it last being seen on the 20th - here's hoping it sticks around. Bird of the Week done and dusted.

The cold snap last Friday has kept things interesting in the area over the last few days. Two drake Shovelers are back on Dulwich lake, redpolls are in the area and Julian had a Siskin on his backgarden feeder. A single Linnet was a great find this morning in Long Meadow/Dulwich Wood Ave by Doug - a very notable local record. There was a male Kestrel over Dulwich Park today and a regular male Sparrowhawk has been causing the usual bother in SHW. This morning the wood was filled with the sound of three Nuthatches calling loudly from the area near the Folly, a drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker was conspicuous on Cox's Walk too. Over the weekend there was lots of movement of thrushes, continuing today with Redwing over DP and several flocks of Fieldfare moving north/north west mid-morning. Several of the latter, alighted briefly in trees around London Wildlife Trust's Centre for Wildlife Gardening: 

Winter warmer: Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) East Dulwich, today

In other exciting news, you can now follow our south London bird wanderings on Twitter. Yep, a big week, truly our downy fledgling is taking on the shades of ooh, first-winter finery. Thanks for reading, cheers all.


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Passer erroneous

Christmas is out of the way so it's back to work for South London's finest...

Martin and Pete are kicking off the year by Footin' It around the area, stay tuned for more on that as they get desperate and end up walking 3 miles to see a Pied Wagtail...otherwise, business as usual:

Belair Park: Siskins in Alders (3rd) (MS/DC)

Brookmill Park: Blackbird (9), Wren (5), Robin (6), Blue Tit (6), Moorhen (8), Coot (1), Mallard (33), Little Grebe (1), Carrion Crow, Great Tit (3), Dunnock (1), Grey Wagtail (1), Goldcrest (5), Starling (2), Jay (1), Chaffinch (5), Kingfisher (1), Mandarin duck (1) (all 5th) (PB/LA)

REALLY GREAT PHOTO of a Kingfisher, Brookmill Park, Lewisham 5/1/13
Crystal Palace Park (inc. Lake): Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long Tailed Tit, Wren, Dunnock (two males following a female by one of the Sphinxes), Robin, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Redwing (flock of 20), Pied Wagtail, Nuthatch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Crow, Magpie, Jay, Goldfinch, Greenfinch (female), Chaffinch (female), Woodpigeon, Starling, Cormorant (3 1w), Grey Heron, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Canada Goose, Moorhen, Coot, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Black Headed Gull, Herring Gull, Ring Necked Parakeet (5th) (DB)

Dulwich Park: m/f Teal on lake, 12 Redwing, 32 Goldfinch (5th) (MS) 

Nunhead Cemetery: Blackbird (17), Song Thrush (8 w/7 singing), Dunnock (4), Blue tit (15), Magpie, Carrion Crow, Robin (15), Ring-necked bastard (11), Long-tailed Tit (1), Wren (10), Goldcrest (4), Treecreeper (1), Greenfinch (6), Chaffinch (8), Great Tit (9), Goldfinch (16), Coal Tit (1), Jay (1) (PB/LA)

South Norwood Lake: Little Grebe, Mute Swan, Goldcrest (6th) (DB)

Sydenham Hill Wood: Blackbird, Great tit, Blue tit, Coal tit (vocal), Long-tailed tit, Ring necked paracoot, Stock Dove (notable), Woodpigeon, Mistle Thrush (pair), Song Thrush, Nuthatch (lots of trilling, 3 birds min.), Treecreeper, Wren, Robin, Carrion crow, Magpie, Jay (7th) (DG)

It's a tough call for Bird of the Week, but the pair of Teal that spent a day on Dulwich Park lake are narrowly pipped by the 'sparrow that never was'. A minor local twitch was on the cards for ooh, about 23 minutes, as we pondered a potential Tree Sparrow in our midst. Turned out to be a typo and its townie cousin instead, but that's ok - we love ALL sparrows.

A notable shift in bird behaviour has been apparent this week with many birds now beginning to sing and establish territories. It's interesting to see the sudden appearance of Song Thrush and Coal Tit particularly in the sightings - both regularly heard (if not seen) over the weekend. The change in two weeks is remarkable but birds are finely tuned to the minor changes taking place around us as spring approaches. That's a nice thought isn't it...

Happy New Year all - here's to a great year, good 'migging and maybe a South London special or two - a Pied Fly maybe? Or even another Cuckoo for Sydenham Hill Wood? Who knows...what's on your wish list for 2013?

Thank You: Lisa A, Doug B, Pete B, Dave C, Dan G, Martin S et al.

This blog is done by a friendly bunch of birders from South London who get out and about whenever they can. We really love our parks and green spaces and all those weeds coming through the cracks. We always love to hear about new sightings...or old ones...or wildly speculative ones, so feel free to drop us a line below. Or get in touch at if you want to gossip, bitch or help us find a sodding Firecrest...Thanks!