Sunday, 23 December 2012

Sheppey Magic 15/12/12

Last Saturday saw the first annual South London birders Christmas bash, in the form of a jaunt down to the Isle of Sheppey. It was an excellent day out and a chance to put some names to faces finally...

Meeting just south of Leysdown around 10ish, we parked up next to the beach where a small flock of Sanderling were skittering back and forth on the rising tide. In amongst them were a good few Turnstones, Oycs and a single Dunlin, while Redshanks and Curlews shrieked nearby. Offshore, large numbers of birds alternately bobbed and shifted on the water - Teal, Mallard, Wigeon and Brent Goose making up the bulk along with a distant flock of Common Scoters and a few grebes and Pintails in the mix. In the adjacent fields, the crop had recently been cut leaving vast tracts of muddy pools and stubble. Four Marsh Harriers patrolled in the distance, flushing bucket loads of Woodpigeons and what looked like Snipe. From the scruffy clumps of hedgerow we passed, Reed Buntings called and Linnets squeaked by over head. Save the fact that I fell on my arse twice, I love the walk along this stretch of the coast.

Sanderlings on the shore...somewhere

Miggers (L-R): Ernie, Steve, Martin, Dave (socks)
"That says 'naturist' guys, not 'naturalist'..."
Down at Shellness a much larger flock of Dunlin spooked at our presence and bolted off round the other side of the Hamlet, twisting like sea starlings. With the tide now high, endless flocks of Oystercatchers followed, along with more Turnstones and several hundred Grey Plover. With the weather rolling in a bit the saltings were pretty quiet; several Skylarks chirruped and drifted by, with Meadow Pipits pinging up here and there like little streaky flares. A contentious pipit held up proceedings a bit as it scuttled about on some weedy shingle nearby and I tried in vain to convince the others it wasn’t a meadow. It just looked a bit too ‘sturdy’ I felt, with broader streaking...they weren’t having it though. It probably was a meadow but with a trip to Berkshire in mind, I no doubt had pipits in the brain. ‘Mock Pipit’ indeed.

After a bit of lunch by the old pillbox, which served as a useful windbreak, we skirted round the marsh before heading back as showers licked our feet. The next stop was Capel Fleet to watch the harriers coming in and try for a Short-eared Owl. We didn’t get the latter but the harriers were magnificent as ever. A slow procession over an hour and a half saw around 16-18 birds by my reckoning. Best of all was a ringtail Hen Harrier which cruised by, jinking low over the fields in the late-afternoon light. Real class, you don't get them in Dulwich. To top it off we stopped in at the Ferry for a nice pint and warm up before home. All in all a really enjoyable day out, here’s to next one. Happy Christmas you lot!

Ernie goes commando
Oystercatchers on the High Tide roost, Shellness, Sheppey, 15/12/12

Full list:

Sanderling, Dunlin, Turnstone, Oystercatcher, Brent Goose (Dark-bellied), Curlew, Redshank, Teal, Mallard, Wigeon, Great-crested Grebe, Common Scoter (offshore), Pintail, Grey Plover, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Common Gull, Black-headed Gull, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Woodpigeon, Reed Bunting, House Sparrow, Mistle Thrush, Goldfinch, Blue Tit, Shelduck, Marsh Harrier, Carrion Crow, Rook, Lapwing, Skylark, Redwing, Snipe, Mute Swan, Fieldfare, Chaffinch, Grey Heron, Kestrel, Hen Harrier, Red-legged Partridge, Little Egret, Starling, Blackbird.

This blog is done by a friendly bunch of birders from South London who get out and about whenever they can. We really love our parks and green spaces and all those weeds coming through the cracks. We always love to hear about new sightings...or old ones...or wildly speculative ones, so feel free to drop us a line below. Or get in touch at if you want to gossip, bitch or help us find a sodding Firecrest...Thanks!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

A golden Goose...

First things first, some sightings from last week and a real South London MEGA sitting pretty in South Norwood for a few days at least:

Brookmill Park (Lewisham): 1 Little Grebe, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Grey Wagtail, Goldcrest, Greenfinch, 2 Cormorant (over) Sparrowhawk (Deptford) (16th) (LA)

Camberwell Old Cemetery: 1 Waxwing over (12th) (MS) Green Woodpecker (New Cem) (WW)

Horniman Gardens: Sparrowhawk (13th) (DG)

Nunhead Cemetery: 7 Goldcrest, several Redwing over W (12th) (MS)

Peckham Rye: 20 Lapwing over W (12th), 5 more SW (13th) + Coal Tit, fem Sparrowhawk (all MS) Grey Wagtail by lake (WW)

South Norwood Lake: adult female GOOSANDER (13th-16th at least?) (GH)

Sydenham Hill Wood: Jackdaw (notable) flying E (16th) (DG)

Congrats to Gavin for turning up a fine female Goosander on South Norwood Lake last Thursday, your Bird of the Week prize has been wrested free from Martin's Lapwings. With no sizeable water-bodies in the area (perhaps with the exception of Burgess Park) a top-notch migrant sawbill is a great score and a first ever record for the lake apparently. Let's face it, last month we threw a party when a Shoveler turned up in Dulwich, so Goosander is an all-night rave:

Mergus merganser 
(not the Norwood bird by the way, but any excuse to admire a redhead...)

South London - it gives you 'Wings (Pt 2)...:Lapwings. Vanellus vanellus. Always nice to see these, but only seen on seasonal passage round these parts especially in periods of freezing weather. The little movement last week coincided with birds elsewhere in London.
Little Grebe a nice find in Brookmill Park too (thanks Lisa). I think this bird popped up on London Birders recently, it's always interesting what that tiny thread of green space turns up.

Thanks all...stay tuned for a write up of the first annual SoLomig Christmas bash to Sheppey. A top day out, and yes, Dave kept his clothes on...

(Words/Photos by Pete)

This blog is done by a friendly bunch of birders from South London who get out and about whenever they can. We really love our parks and green spaces and all those weeds coming through the cracks. We always love to hear about new sightings...or old ones...or wildly speculative ones, so feel free to drop us a line below. Or get in touch at if you want to gossip, bitch or help us find a sodding Firecrest...Thanks!

Monday, 10 December 2012

South London - it gives you 'Wings...

Sightings 3rd - 9th Dec:

Belair Park: c6 Siskin w/ Goldfinch in Alders (3rd) (DC)

Brockley: 2 Waxwing reported on 3rd (not sure where?) (PB)

Brookmill Park (Lewisham): 1 Dunnock, 2 Grey Heron, c20 Mallard, c10 Moorhen, 1 Mandarin duck, c30 Black headed Gull (creek), 2 Grey Wagtail  (1 first winter) c10 Goldfinch, 1 Wren, 1 Kestrel (in flight heading east) (8th) (LA)

Dulwich Park: 15 Redwing (over eastwards in three groups), 1 Redpoll flew over in the opposite direction (6th) (MS)

Nunhead Cemetery: 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Coal Tit, 1 Nuthatch, 1 Green Woodpecker (heard), 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 5-6 Goldcrest, c5 Ring-necked Parakeet (9th) (PB/LA)

Nunhead area:  1 Kestrel high NE, possible flock of 8 Waxwings over Haberdasher Aske playing fields SW towards Cemetery/beyond – seen at distance (9th) (PB/LA)

Good to see Kestrels making an appearance again, hadn't seen any for a while. Otherwise a quieter week perhaps, but then many have found themselves coming down with a seasonal bout of Waxwing fever. Luckily the cure was close at hand with the area getting a double whammy of Waxwing action in the last 10 days. True they're just 'off patch' at the moment but we're not picky and a few of us have connected with the little punks in Shirley and Streatham. Needless to say we're all in agreement - absolutely fantastic birds. Just a matter of time before we hit the jackpot closer to home surely?


(Waxwings, Shirley 1/12/12 - photos by this guy)

Thanks all!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Peckham Rye Gullfest + more sightings (Nov)

Peckham Rye Gullfest 27/11/12 - contact Dave for your souvenir t-shirt

Gulls - what's their game eh? Lots of regular movement in and around the area in recent weeks has caught the attention of several solomiggers. Theories have abounded as to their origin and destination but it turns out it was all a ruse as the Black-headed hordes returned this week to seize Peckham Rye Park! It made for a pretty spectacular sight last Tuesday lunchtime with hundreds of gulls probing the sodden turf for worms and such like. A couple of us logged figures around the 500 mark at lunch, until the boss turned up mid-afternoon to nail it thus: c780 Black-heads across the park and adjacent playing fields. In amongst the throng were at least 5 Commons and a handul of Lesser Blacks. Like I said, really nice to see and as a result I'm making the underrated and overlooked Black-headed Gull our controversy-free Bird of the Week. Check out some more info here on this characterful and now amber-listed Larid here and this nice article from London Wildlife Trust.

Coming a close second was Will's report of a possible Little Owl in Camberwell Old Cemetery recently. Hopefully that's one whose time will come.

On with the show:

Camberwell Old Cemetery – possible Little Owl reported (w/c 12th) (WW)

Crystal Palace Park: Peregrine on tower, 5 Redwings SW (23rd) (DC)

Dulwich Park: c5 Redwings feeding on Yew berries, m Shoveler (23rd), up to 20 Lesser Redpolls present in area (Va)

Lewisham: 2 Fieldfare on a rooftop on Lewisham Way (26th) (DG)

New Cross area: Redwing over calling in darkness (23rd), Sparrowhawk on Tanners Hill tower block (27th), 12 Greenfinch, 7 Chaffinch, Mistle Thrush, Pr Great Spotted Woodpecker in Telegraph Hill Lower (28th) (AF/PB)

Peckham Rye Park: c780 Black-headed gulls present (notable), feeding on muddy common/football pitches inc at least 5 Common, 2 Lesser Black-backed (1 ad) (27th) + c50 Starling (Va)

And of course, we knew they were coming, but it looks like Shirley (Croydon) had the first South London stick-around Waxwings of the winter – first reported via London Birders on the 27th I think and present til the 29th at least. Here's hoping...

WAXWING UPDATE (3/12/12) ---> got 'em! More details next time!

Feel free to get in touch with us below or via

Good weather, good winds, good birding.

Thanks all:  Dave C,  Martin S, Adam F, Will W, Dan G, Pete B,